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Thrust ball bearing
Thrust ball bearing

Thrust ball bearing 1)High precison,long life,low noize 2)Promot delievey time 3)Small order also can accept

Thrust ball bearing

Thrust ball bearings, thrust ball bearings at the one-way and two-way thrust ball bearings, bearings, can take a one-way direction of the axial load, the bearings can withstand two two-way direction of axial loads, both can not afford a radial load. Thrust ball bearings to be at work in the axial top tight, bearing mainly applicable to such vehicle steering mechanism, machine tool spindle, rubber and plastics machinery. ZHJ production thrust ball bearings to mainly one-way thrust ball bearings, and also produces two-way thrust ball bearings and two-way thrust angular contact bearings.

We can supply all kinds of thrust ball bearings, such as below items:

51100 51200 51300 51400 51101 51201 51301 51401 51102 51202 51302 51402 51103 51203 51303 51403 51104 51204 51304 51404 51105 51205 51305 51405 51106 51206 51306 51406 51107 51207 51307 51407 51108 51208 51308 51408 51109 51209 51309 51409 51110 51210 51310 51410 51111 51211 51311 51411 51112 51212 51312 51412 51113 51213 51313 51413 51114 51214 51314 51414 51115 51215 51315 51415 51116 51216 51316 51416 51117 51217 51317 51417 51118 51218 51318 51418 51120 51220 51320 51420 51122 51222 51322 51422 51124 51224 51324 51424 51126 51226 51326 51426 51128 51228 51328 51428 51130 51230 51330 51430 51132 51232 51332 51432 51134 51234 51334 51434 51136 51236 51336 51436 51138 51238 51338 51438 51140 51240 51340 51440 51142 51242 51342 51442 51144 51244 51344 51444 51146 51246 51346 51446 51148 51248 51348 51448 51150 51250 51350 51450 51152 51252 51352 51452 51154 51254 51354 51454 51156 51256 51356 51456 51158 51258 51358 51458 51160 51260 51360 51460 51162 51262 51362 51462 51164 51264 51364 51464 51166 51266 51366 51466 51168 51268 51368 51468 51170 51270 51370 51470 51172 51272 51372 51472 51174 51274 51374 51474 51176 51276 51376 51476 51178 51278 51378 51478 51180 51280 51380 51480 51182 51282 51382 51482 51184 51284 51384 51484 51186 51286 51386 51486 51188 51288 51388 51488 51190 51290 51390 51490

Divery time: 30-60 days Packing: Single box or industral +carton+pallet High quanlity, competitive price, good service.

Thrust ball bearing

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